Our New Year is Rolling Right Along!

Today, we are starting off our first full five-day week and it's amazing how quickly the days are already speeding by! After staggered entries for Kindergarten and Grade 1, we have officially seen all of our classes begin as of today, so it is safe to say that the school year is really rolling now!
It has been absolutely wonderful to finally have opportunities to speak with parents in person outside the school and, especially, to welcome students back to classes. Seeing the students' smiling faces and experiencing the energy that they bring to each day has certainly been a refreshing change from the emergency at-home programming of the spring! Certainly, some of our new routines look and feel a bit different than what we have been used to but a lot has also felt pretty similar to previous years too. Most importantly, we still have students who are eager to learn and dedicated staff committed to caring for them and helping them to be successful each day!
The staff at Chester Ronning School has worked very hard to make our re-entry as safe and as smooth as possible. Every day, our teachers and support staff are dedicating time to ensure that new routines and safety precautions become habits, not to mention the additional supervision duties they have taken on to help facilitate student cohorts at recess and lunch times. Our teachers also collaborated with colleagues from across the division to develop a common scope and sequence of the curriculum for core subject areas, which will make smooth transitions possible for students that move between in-class and at-home programming. Student safety and academic success are always priorities but I do feel it is important to highlight some of the extra efforts being made by of our staff this year!
Please remember that BRSD- and CRS-specific re-entry plans are available on the school division's website as well as our homepage. Of course, we will continually review and refine our routines as the year progresses and we find better, more efficient ways to maintain safety during in-class learning. If you have feedback or questions, please don't hesitate to send me an email or call me at the school! (780-672-5588)
Take care,
Reid Lansing
Principal - Chester Ronning School