Cold Weather is Approaching (And Halloween is Coming Too!)

Hello again CRS parents, guardians and community members!
It's amazing that we are already in the middle of October... the Thanksgiving turkey is in our rearview and retail stores and children alike now turn their attention toward Halloween!
Obviously, depending on each family's proclivity towards Halloween, there may be several questions about how our current pandemic-affected reality may affect the seasonal traditions and celebrations. We know that the Alberta Government has posted guidelines for enjoying a safe Halloween this year but we also recognize the need to adhere to the re-entry guidelines and protocols established for schools by the province and by Battle River School Division.
There's a lot to unpack there but what's really important is how Halloween is going to look at Chester Ronning School... so I will do my best to lay it out clearly and in point form for any families who want to participate in the Halloween activities:
Halloween at CRS
- Halloween activities will take place in the afternoon on Thursday, October 29 (There is no school on Friday, October 30, due to a school PD day)
- Classroom cohorts will host their own Halloween festivities - there will be no school-wide activities due to cohort guideline and physical distancing
- Teachers may hand out commercially produced, pre-packaged treats to students
- Students will be permitted to wear age-appropriate costumes that they can independently wear throughout the day (Parents will not have access to help put on costumes, put on face paint, etc. and teachers will not be responsible for helping with costumes or decorations.)
- Students in Gr. 4 and 5 must still be able to wear a non-medical mask when in the hallways, washrooms and when working in proximity to others
Please Do... | Please Do Not... |
If you have any questions about how Chester Ronning School is approaching Halloween, please don't hesitate to call our office at (780)672-5588.
Cold Weather is Approaching... Maybe it's Here Already!
And while I have you, I also want to take a moment to remind our students and families about the importance of dressing appropriately as the weather cools. It's always great for students to have opportunities to enjoy the fresh air and, considering the ongoing pandemic, we also know that open-air activities are safer than indoor gatherings. With that in mind, students need to be prepared to spend time outside each day. Please ensure that students have hats and mittens/gloves and that they have layers that will allow them to comfortably participate in outdoor activities.
Thank you, and please stay safe!
Reid Lansing
Principal - Chester Ronning School