2023-2024 Bell Times

Hello CRS Community!
It's incredible that we are already experiencing mid-June... curriculum is being wrapped up, field trips are scheduled and the wind-down toward summer has begun. Additionally, planning for the next school year is underway.
Since BRSD sent out information on Friday, June 9, many of you will be aware that the Provincial Government announced a mandatory change in how school divisions offer transportation to families and that, starting next year, transportation will be available to all BRSD students in Grades K-6 who live more than 1.0 kilometres of actual driving distance from their designated schools.
This is great news for approximately 750 students in the City of Camrose who are now eligible for transportation to school! In order to accommodate this increase in students riding the bus, city school buses will need to run double routes, both in the morning and in the afternoon. This means that some elementary schools will need to move their schedules slightly earlier and others will start and end a bit later than in the past.
Chester Ronning School is part of the former group and our school day will start and end earlier in 2023-2024.
8:00 am - Outdoor supervision of students begins
8:15 am - Morning Call-in Bell
8:19 am - Classes begin
11:20 am - 12:00 pm - Lunch Break
3:00 pm - Dismissal
This shift in the schedule will also apply on the first Thursday of each month, which will continue to be an early dismissal day for staff meetings and collaboration time. Next year, however, more time is being allocated for this work and afternoon dismissal on early-out Thursdays will be at 12:00 pm.
On Wednesday, June 14 from 3:30-5:00 pm, the BRSD Transportation Department will be available at the school to support families in registering their students for bussing. If this is something that would be helpful to you, I hope to see you then.
Yours in Education,
Reid Lansing