Drop-off/Pick-up Parking in Alley is Affecting our Neighbours

Greetings, Chester Ronning School Community!
The purpose of this year's first Principal's Blog posting is to request that our school community use the parent lane in our parking lot or the parking spaces on 43rd Avenue during drop-off and pick-up times and stop using the back alley surrounding our schoolyard. It is very important to me that we maintain good relationships with the people who live in our neighbourhood and that they consider us to be good neighbours.
I think I have sent a similar message at some point in each year since we moved over to the new school building and I get it - the alley is a very convenient location for drop-offs and pick-ups, especially for families of Gr. 1 and 2 students. However, the alleys around our school are also the main access to garages and parking spaces for many residents living close to the school. When CRS families park in the alleys before and after school, it creates congestion and inconveniences for people who may need to get to work, drive their own children to school, etc. Recently, I have noticed an increase in the number of vehicles parked in the alley before and after school. Today Camrose Police Service confirmed that they have received multiple complaints from residents who live close to our school.
Our school is equipped with a parent lane and drop-off zone that works especially well when vehicles remain in queue until they get near the front of the line before letting students out. Thank you to everyone who already uses these locations for drop-offs and pick-ups and thank you for helping us respect the privacy and property of the residents around our school! Soon, parents who park in the alley can expect a CRS staff member and/or Camrose police officers to ask them to move and use the school parking lot or 43rd Avenue.
Yours in Education,
Reid Lansing
Chester Ronning School Principal