Have a Great Summer!

We have made it to the end of another school year and, what a year it was! It was terrific to see many school routines and procedures begin returning closer to what we consider normal and, of course, this year was extra exciting because of our move into the replacement school building!
And here we are, with only a couple more school days remaining before the summer holidays arrive. Students, school staff and I’m sure parents too, are all tuckered out from a busy year of learning and ready for a well-deserved break from the routines and work that we’ve been immersed in for the past ten months.
Please accept my thanks and appreciation for all the ways you have supported Chester Ronning School this year. I hope everyone has a safe and restful summer break and I look forward to seeing you and your children back in classes on September 6, 2022!
Yours in Education,
Reid Lansing
Important End-of-Year and 2022-2023 Details:
Lost and Found
There are a number of items remaining in our Lost and Found. Please view the video or pop into the school to take a look and/or claim your child's missing items. The remaining items will be dropped off for charity at the end of the day on Wednesday, June 29, 2022.
Report Card Changes
Chester Ronning School will be part of a real-time reporting pilot next year. Historically, report cards were used to inform parents/guardians of student performance at a specific period in time. With our recent move to PowerSchool, BRSD parents now have real-time access to their child’s academics and growth through the parent portal or the PowerSchool phone application. Many jurisdictions throughout the province have also made the move to digital reporting with positive results. Effective the 2022-2023 school year, printed report cards will no longer be sent home.
This change to reporting is intended to ensure you can:
- Stay in close communication with teacher(s) and have real-time information on your child’s learning;
- Partner in your child’s learning - collaborate as more than an observer;
- Check on assessment results anytime and help your child in a more timely manner - not limited to 3Xs per year;
- Readily access teacher feedback on assignments and better support student learning;
Please note that any parents without access to technology should contact the Chester Ronning School Office in the fall so that you can set up arrangements for timely reporting of your child's progress.
Back to School Links on Homepage
In case you haven’t already seen them, we have a number of links on the homepage of our website. By visiting the Back to School Info announcement, you can find information about:
- Kindergarten
- Registering new students at CRS
- General start-up information for the fall
- Supply lists
- Calendars
- Bell times.
Please keep watching our website - if new information becomes available over the summer, this is where updates can be found.
(Families can expect to be contacted by their new homeroom teacher by September 2nd, 2022.)
COVID Restriction Changes
As you are likely aware, Alberta moved to “Step 3” of COVID restriction removal on June 15.
As a result, the Daily Checklist will no longer be referred to and staying home is no longer mandatory for people with symptoms of illness or who test positive for COVID-19, although it is still recommended.
Battle River School Division has returned to our pre-COVID practice of expecting people who have symptoms of illness to stay home from work/school and to take care of their health. This is for the benefit of the person who is unwell, but also for the benefit of all other staff and students as well.
There is no way to know with certainty what the summer months will bring but we expect that this will still be the case when we return to classes in September. I hope that everyone takes good care and that you all enjoy a safe and healthy summer!
Landscaping and Parking Lot
We have been so appreciative of everyone's patience while we navigated student drop-offs and pick-ups after the move to the new building. Landscaping is supposed to happen over the summer and we are hopeful that permanent sidewalks and proper grassy areas will be completed and allow us to open up the parent lane and use the parking lot as it is intended.
Please watch for an update on these plans as we get closer to September 6th.
Literacy and Numeracy Survey Feedback
BRSD has compiled a summary of the feedback collected from parents earlier in the Spring. Follow the link below to read about changes you can expect to see in the school division, based on that parental input: