September Newsletter
Posted on September 5 2024Welcome back! Our September newsletter is now available here: September newsletter There is lots of important information in the newsletter. Some important upcoming dates are: September 3 - Classes…
BRSD Leadership Starts the New School Year Battle River School Division (BRSD) is gearing up for another successful year of learning. On August 21, BRSD principals, assistant principals, and division…
BRSD Warms Up for September Terry Fox Events Battle River School Division (BRSD) is anticipating an exciting start to the 2024-25 school year, with the Terry Fox Run being one of the first events on school…
BRSD Announces 2024-2027 Education Plan for a Successful Start to the 2024-2025 School Year Battle River School Division (BRSD) is excited to announce the launch of its 2024-27 Education Plan, coinciding…
BRSD Summer Projects for Technology and Facilities Teams With the transition from the last school year to the next, Battle River School Division (BRSD) continues its work around the division and some…
BRSD Encourages Students to Stay Active with Hockey and Soccer Academy Academic programming offers student athletes a fantastic opportunity to develop their skills both on and off the field while achieving…
August 30 - 2pm - Grade 1 - 5 families. If you can't join us for this event we look forward to meeting you on the first day of school. **Kindergarten orientation plan stays the same - Sep. 4 and 5.
General Back to School Info Kindergarten information *Who is my child's teacher? Teachers will email their child's family on August 30 at noon.
Please see the Year-End Newsletter here Important information regarding the year-end and the upcoming school year is enclosed. Important dates include: June 27th - Last day of classes September 3…
BRSD Celebrates a Year of Successes and Extends Summer Wishes As Battle River School Division (BRSD) approaches the end of its 2023-24 school year and the last day for students on June 27, 2024, BRSD…
BRSD First Ride program: The presentation starts at 6 pm, Learn about bus safety, student expectations, parent expectations, and take a short ride on the bus. June 13 - Chester Ronning School is hosting
BRSD Students Receive 2024 Honourable Mention for Outstanding Indigenous Inspiration On April 15, 2024, 12 First Nation, Métis and Inuit students were recognized for outstanding achievements at Alberta…
BRSD Board of Trustees Approves 2024-2027 Education Plan The Board of Trustees at Battle River School Division (BRSD) is pleased to announce the approval of BRSD’s 2024-27 Education Plan, designed to…
BRSD Budget Announcement 2024-2025 The Board of Trustees at Battle River School Division (BRSD) is pleased to announce the approval of their 2024-25 budget, which is submitted to Alberta Education by…
BRSD Budget 2024-2025 Each spring, school divisions across the province receive their budget allocations from Alberta Education. The Board of Battle River School Division (BRSD) has approved the 2024-25…
The May newsletter is now available here: Important information regarding year-end and the upcoming school year is enclosed. Important dates include: May 12- Mother's…
BRSD Welcomes Students Through ÉCKS Cougars Connect Program Battle River School Division (BRSD) is preparing for the upcoming school year and anticipating positive experiences for its students. As elementary…
2024 Grade 5 Bake Sale - May 14
Please email: If your child will NOT be attending Ecole Charlie Killam School for the 2024-2025 school year. CRS grade 5 students field trip to ECKS - May 16. Digital Consent…
Online school fee payments, hot lunch and field trip payments can be made by clicking here.
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If your child is absent, please call the school at 780-672-5588 at any time and leave a message or email:
Visit the school library online!