Kindergarten Registration 2022-2023

Welcome Chester Ronning Kindergarten Families!
Success starts early! We are starting to plan for our 2022-2023 Kindergarten programs. BRSD is exploring program options this year, as listed below. You can assist BRSD in determining which programs will be offered at Chester Ronning School for 2022-23 by completing a brief survey:
Kindegarten 2022/23 Expression of Interest Camrose & Tofield
Battle River School Division's Kindergarten registration page is available HERE. Please note that there are 4 documents on that page that will need to be completed in order to register your child for Kindergarten at CRS:
- 2022-2023 Registration Form
- 2022-2023 Kindergarten Intake Form
- Technology Acceptable Use Agreement
- FOIP - Notice of Activities Form
If you need any assistance with this process, we invite you to contact the school - or call at 780-672-5588.
Criteria for CRS Kindergarten 2022-2023
- Student must live in the Chester Ronning School attendance boundary
- Student must be 5 years of age by December 31, 2022
- Registration form and birth certificate must be provided (this detailed information is to be collected once the digital form is available.)
- Current Registration information that is needed:
- Parent/Guardian Name:
- Parent/Guardian Phone Number:
- Parent/Guardian Email:
- Student Name:
- Student Home Address:
- Student Birthdate:
- Preferred Program - not all of these will operate - please clearly indicate first and second choice:
- Alternate Day - Monday/Wednesday occasional Friday
- Alternate Day - Tuesday/Thursday occasional Friday
- Full Time - same schedule as a grade 1-5 student; additional fee of $425/month ($4250 yearly)
- Full Time - at any BRSD Camrose city school if not available at Chester Ronning - fee noted above.
- Half day/everyday program.
Preschool 2022-2023
- At this time Chester Ronning School is not able to offer preschool programming, but there are options in BRSD. Please contact BRSD 780-672-6131 for more information.