Chocolate Almond Fundraiser is back!

Chocolate Almonds are available to order online. Orders will be packed and sent home with students in the days leading up to Thanksgiving! This fundraiser supports student activities and field trips!
We are fundraising by selling chocolate almonds through the World's Finest Chocolates. We are only able to take online orders - a link to the order will be sent out soon. The funds raised are used to support student activities and field trips during the year.
The last day to order is October 4 at 11:30 pm
This year we have prizes that our Friends of Chester Ronning Fundraising Society has donated. A HUGE thank-you to the Society that supports wonderful things in our school.
1. *The top seller from each class will receive a small gift card to a local business.
2. *The top two classes overall will receive a gift card to purchase books for their classroom from the Bookfair, coming in October.