Terry Fox Information

Hello Chester Ronning Families,
We are approaching our annual Terry Fox Run on September 29th. Terry Fox was a Canadian hero who made it his mission to raise awareness for cancer research. He began his “Marathon of Hope” by running across Canada, despite having lost his leg to cancer. More than 40 years later, we continue his dream at Chester Ronning School. We are once again participating in online fundraising. We ask that you use the link attached to donate. We will not be accepting cash or cheque. Classes will be doing virtual activities and a walk/run on school premises next Wednesday.
Thank you for your support and commitment to continue Terry’s legacy! Please click here to watch a special video message from Fred Fox, Terry’s older brother.
Sincerely, Lindsay Doering and Robyn Foss
Chester Ronning School Fundraising Link: http://www.terryfox.ca/