Christmas Activity Night

Hello again, CRS families!
The purpose of this blog is to share plans for our holiday celebration. There will be a link to RSVP to the event at the end of the post, so please don’t miss that!
With every season this year, I seem to find myself expressing our school’s excitement to again be inviting you back into the school for events and activities. From the community BBQ to parent-teacher conferences, it is wonderful that we can reconnect and build our school community together!
As you may have noticed, when reintroducing various events, we have been taking advantage of the opportunity to evaluate some existing traditions and reimagine how we do things at Chester Ronning School. Indeed, the new building alone has necessitated many adjustments as we are working with different spaces and new logistics. Celebrating the Christmas season is one of the traditions that we are going to try to revive in a new way.
If you have been in both the old and new school buildings, you probably noticed that the gymnasium at the previous school was significantly larger and was also equipped with a stage, compared to our current gym. For this reason, we don’t think that a traditional Christmas concert is feasible since it would likely take several performances over multiple evenings to provide everyone with the opportunity to attend and see their children perform. We don’t feel it is reasonable to expect students or staff to spend up to three late nights at the school to produce the number of performances required to give our entire community the opportunity to attend. Neither do we feel it’s right to ask families with multiple students to attend more than one performance and we know that only holding one or two performances would force us to limit attendance.
So we are trying something different this year.
This year, on Wednesday, December 14th, CRS is excited to host a Christmas Activity Night from 6:00 - 7:30 pm. Our organizing staff members are filled with holiday cheer and they are planning an evening of events for families to enjoy. There will be carolling, cookie decorating (and eating!) a craft station, street hockey with members of the Camrose Kodiaks and maybe a few more surprises! Whether you can stop by for a few minutes or for a longer visit, we think it’s going to be a fun opportunity to ring in the holiday season with our school community!
We will have donation boxes set up for Camrose Neighbour Aid Food Bank, which generously supports the Breakfast Program at CRS and countless other programs in our community. If you are able, please bring a food bank donation on December 14th!
Please visit the link to complete a short survey to let us know if your family can attend our Christmas Activity Night on December 14th, so we can plan for crafts and refreshments: |