Our Parent Council Needs You!

Hello Chester Ronning School Families!
It has been a while since my last blog post and I hope that the Spring Break and Easter Holiday provided nice breaks for you all. Somehow, we are now in the final quarter of the school year so it feels like the home stretch is upon us!
The purpose of this post, however, is to implore the CRS community to join our Parent Council. Like many schools across the province, our families are very busy and it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain an active council each year. Our small but mighty group will have at least three members leaving the CRS Parent Council at the end of June as their students continue on to Grade 6, so it is very important that we add members no to ensure that our council continues and will be able to continue supporting our school community.
Members of our Parent Council meet roughly monthly to work toward the improvement of the school. At our meetings, Mr. Pederson and I share about events that are going on at the school and at least one of our school trustees is often in attendance to present information from the school division and to take back feedback. School budget details are periodically reported at these meetings and council members' opinions and advice are also garnered for decisions on upcoming events, school programs and policies and how to utilize available funds.
Fundraising is a key component of our School Council. Decisions on how and when to fundraise are determined by the council members as well as the purposes for those fundraising dollars. Inexpensive and sometimes free field trips, swimming lessons, much of the technology used in classrooms, hot lunches and events such as our Christmas Activity Night are just a few examples of supports for student learning and school community-building that simply would not be available without our Parent Council and the work that they do! Unfortunately, we are at risk of losing these kinds of enhancements if we fail to add to the team.
Today, students from Kindergarten to Gr. 4 will be bringing home a small flyer that our Parent Council has put together, inviting potential members to attend our next meeting on April 19th at 2:30 pm. We are trying something different by holding it in the afternoon, during school hours. It will kind of be an informal outdoor meet-and-greet in front of the school and I am told that there will be treats! Hopefully, this will make the next meeting more accessible for those parents/guardians who have trouble making our usual evening meetings.
If you can, please come to check it out. Ideally, I would love to have a couple of council members to represent each grade in our school but I hope that we can recruit at least a half-dozen new members heading into the next school year. We need your support! Our students need your support!
I hope to see several new faces on Wednesday afternoon!
Yours in Education,
Reid Lansing - Principal